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Family Sessions
You are your child’s first and most important teacher! Beta Early Learning Academy is here to support you in that role of caring for your children. We are so much more than a child care facility. Beta Early Learning Academy now supports families with group education, resources and connections that can help them raise healthy, school-ready children. Our free, monthly Family Sessions provide parenting information, expert advice and the support parents/caregivers need.
“Family” can be defined as anyone who has or is playing a long term nurturing and supportive role in your life. A family goes beyond blood relations to members in the same household. A family gives you a source of direction and being. It plays a significant part in your psychological health. When there is a dysfunction in your family, where do you go? who do you talk to? what is the best way to make things better?

Our Sessions
Beta Early Learning Academy knows that life’s pressures from school, workplaces, and social interactions can consume everyone in the family. It seems easy for unexplainable conflict to arise at home. What’s happening? It seems in todays' culture anxiety is the new norm. We may find ourselves living in a household that is a minefield with stress explosives, anger grenades, and suffocating grief.
How do you bring back your family members to the table and involve them in activities? How do you help your children cope with sudden changes such as a divorce, a family member’s death, a severe physical or mental health disorder? Let our Family Sessions enrich and guide you and your family through all of life's challenges.